Thursday, February 5, 2009

Basic Info


Well the Google Group seemed like a good idea until I realized that in order for people to join they had to have a Gmail account. So Ellen over at Pappas Group suggested we start a blog so that it can be a more open forum for discussion. I hope this works and have set it up so that you can easily email posts to people you think would be interested.

To reiterate an email from earlier today, we are planning on having another (and larger) happy hour 3 (not 2) weeks from today. That would make it the 26th of Feb. This all depends on AdClub's schedule so it's not set in stone, but we are checking on it. This happy hour would take place at a centrally located bar in DC and would be open to anyone interested in learning more about Ad2 DC. Your job would be to get the word out as much as possible. Kate and I will make up a one-sheeter so you have something to send out. She has also planned on sending out an email that goes over what we covered @ the happy hour on Tuesday.

Sorry for all this confusion, and I hope you wont hear from me again today,
-Erik Dreyer
Art Director
August Lang & Husak

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